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Changes to recall system
Posted or Updated on 4 Mar 2024
Dear Patient, we are in the process of changing how we recall patients for their medication reviews and long term condition reviews such as Diabetes.
We are setting patients medication and long term condition reviews in line with their month of birth, starting from April 2024. This means, this year, a patient might be asked to attend for a medication review a bit earlier or later than normal to bring these reviews in line with their month of birth. We are asking patients to attend when they are invited, to ensure an even distribution of patients each month across our recall appointments such as blood tests, long term condition reviews like Diabetes.
We plan to start with the April month of birth recalls and invites for these patients will be going out shortly. Patients do not need to make contact with the surgery until they have received a letter or text inviting them to make their appointment.
Thank you for your patience and co-operation while we implement the new system.
With regards,
Natasha, Practice Manager.