How to manage your appointments
Book or cancel an appointment online
Our secure online appointments system allows you to book some telephone consultations or face-to-face appointments - such as Health Care Assitant (HCA), Diabetes, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Learning Disability Reviews, Blood Pressure reviews and appointments for contraception flu Vaccinations. It is a simple and easy way to book appointments and is especially useful when the telephone lines are busy, or the Practice is closed. The service offers a simple system that makes it easy for you to book, view or cancel appointments online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Currently, only face to face surgery appointments and telephone appointments with your registered doctor are available to book through SystmOnline. However, other appointment types may be introduced in the future.
Book a consultation online
For more information about online services and how to register to use them, please visit our Do It Online page:>>
Book or cancel an appointment by telephone
To book (or cancel) an appointment with a GP or one of our Nursing & Healthcare Assistants, please telephone our clinical Appointments line on 01929 475104 (available between 8.30am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday)
Our reception team will book a telephone consultation with one of our experienced clinicians, and they will arrange for you to be seen face to face if clinically appropriate. In addition, we are currently offering extended hours appointments which will also be telephone triage first. These are provided on some mornings and evenings during the week and Saturday mornings at the Practice.
Our receptionists are here to help you: they are fully trained in Care Navigation, and they will ask you for brief details of your condition when you telephone. This is so that they can record these details to inform the Clinician who will contact you. This approach ensures that we can assist you as speedily and professionally as possible. It also ensures that you are directed to the correct Clinician. If you do not wish to provide a reason for seeing a doctor, simply ask the receptionist to tell the doctor you have "personal reasons".
For your peace of mind, the Practice receptionists are covered by the NHS and Practice codes of confidentiality, as are all the health care professionals at the surgery.
It may be more appropriate for our receptionists to arrange an appointment with a clinical pharmacist, practice nurse, nurse specialist, First Contact Physiotherapists, health visitor, district nurse, or social prescriber for some conditions. They will help you choose who is the most appropriate person to see.
Urgent Appointments
Patients who need urgent medical attention will be booked, where possible and appropriate, for a same day telephone consultation with one of our Nurse Practitioners, Paramedic or a GP. They will arrange for you to be seen face to face if clinically appropriate. However, our receptionists are trained in Care Navigation and therefore might signpost you to alternative services to help with your medical problem.
Late Arrival for Your Appointment
If you are late for your appointment or miss your telephone call, you may be asked to wait until the end of surgery or make another telephone consultation appointment.
Every appointment you don't cancel means we have lost the opportunity to help someone who needed it. If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible to enable us to give the slot to someone else. We offer a text appointment reminder and cancellation service. Please ensure we have your up-to-date mobile telephone number to access this service.