General Health Advice
For Coronavirus information, please visit our dedicated page on Covid Advice for patients.
We recognise that sometimes you don’t need to see a GP but may want some general health advice.
For advice about Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit our dedicated Coronavirus Information page:>>
For General Health Advice, we offer several options:
Request General Advice using eConsult
eConsult. Want advice from your doctor, self-help information or have an administrative request (such as a sick note or test results)? Get Started.
Please be patient if you have sent in a non-urgent or routine request. We will contact you as soon as possible. Please note eConsults are only available during Practice Opening Hours:>>
Self Help
Your local Pharmacy
Go to a pharmacy for advice and treatment for minor conditions that do not need a prescription. For more about services you can get from a pharmacist, please find out more about how your pharmacy can help>>
Social Prescribing Self Referral
The Dorset Self-Management Service offer wellbeing services. Referral may be made via your doctor or by other members of the primary health care team. Or if you think you would benefit from wellbeing services, you can self-refer. For more information on how to access Social Prescribing and Wellbeing Services :>>
Livewell Dorset
Livewell Dorset is a public health service that supports the health and wellbeing of residents in Dorset. For information about how to get active, lose weight, stop smoking or reduce your alcohol intake, visit the Livewell Dorset website here:>>
Staywell Dorset
For help and advice on how you can make the right decisions to stay healthy all year round, visit the NHS Staywell Dorset website:>>
The UK Sepsis Trust
The UK Sepsis Trust is here to support you – whether you’re a survivor, patient, relative or employer. Please visit the Sepsis Trust website:>>
Other Online Health Information sources
Other online health services such as the NHS Health A-Z ( can offer a reference point to check out conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.
The NHS App enables people to get advice on the go, using their mobile device. Find out more about the NHS App on the NHS website:>>
Visit for urgent medical advice for people aged 5 and over only.
Call NHS 111 if you have an urgent medical problem but aren’t sure what to do. Please note that the 111 callback service is very busy. You might have to wait longer to get a call, so please consider online options if you can.