Requesting a Home Visit
We understand that sometimes it may be appropriate for care to be given in the community. Home visits are offered to housebound patients or those with a clinical condition that prevents them from attending the Surgery. Please do not request a home visit unless the patient is genuinely too ill to come to the Surgery. Most children can safely be brought to the Surgery by car, taxi or pushchair.
To request a home visit, please phone: (01929) 422231 and choose option 3.
If you need a home visit, please telephone between 8.30 and 10.00 am, as this helps the doctors plan their rounds. Brief details of the problem should be given to the receptionist to help the doctor assess the urgency of your request. Please note that the home visit may not be on the day of your choice nor with a doctor of your choice.
Help Us
Please help us by giving the receptionist as much detail as possible, and please include the following details as appropriate:
- The name, address and date of birth of the patient needing a home visit.
- Your name, contact details and relationship to the patient if you are calling on behalf of the patient.
- The nature of the problem, which gives the doctor an indication of the degree of urgency.
- Any relevant past medical history or relevant recent events.
- Any key entry codes needed to access the patient’s home.